Headland Beach 海灘一遊Last weekend was Memorial weekend. We were going to go to the beach in the morning, but there was a thunder storm. We stayed at home and made all these sushi. 上個禮拜一放國定假日 原本早上要去海邊 沒想到下大雷雨 留在家做壽司 做了好多After sushi, I made lemon cake. It turned out to be really good. 壽司做完後做檸檬蛋糕 沒想到成品很好吃Then all the sudden in the afternoon, the sun came out. It turned out to be a nice day, we decided to go to the beach. 下午竟然出大太陽 我們決定去海邊Xiao-pang needs to pick more white stone for his lychee tree. 小胖要撿一些白石頭給家裡養的荔枝樹盆栽裝飾的I am helping him along the way. Look how round this stone is. 我也來幫忙 看這棵石頭多圓We decided to walk to the light house. I think we could do it. 我們決定走去燈塔哪 應該沒問題Stop and took a picture of us. 照張相Taking a break. 修息一下Taking turn taking a break. Why do we all insist on taking a break on this drift wood?輪流修息 為什麼我們都一定要在這個漂木上修息Half way through the walk, we decided it is too much to walk. Sigh...we can only look at the light house from the distance. 走到一半 我們決定這太遠了 唉 只好在遠處看看就好On the way back, I saw there are houses on the lake. Those are probably million dollar homes. I wonder who lives there?走回去時 我看到湖邊有好多百萬屋 我在想誰住哪呀xiao-pang is so cute. 小胖真可愛Haha...someone carved digman. 有人刻了挖人This is a perfect picture spot. I look like I was not wearing clothes. 這個是很好的自拍地點 我看起來好像沒穿衣服Slowly walking back...it is really hot now. 慢慢走回去 現在真的很熱Back home xiao-pang made the burger. He called this "Xiao-Pang burger" It was really good. He made the meat patty himself with guacamole and onion on the top. It is truely an enjoyment with the beer. 回到家小胖做了他註名的"小胖漢堡" 好吃的不得了 小胖自己做的肉餅 上面放了洋蔥還有牛油果醬 配啤酒真是享受He loves his own burger. 小胖自己也很愛吃.
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